
Sales Information and Policy:

Reservations for a particular breeding are free. If a kid becomes available from that breeding, reservation holders will be notified. I hold the right, always, to have first choice of kids born.

Doelings from first fresheners (ADGA registered): $500
Doelings from starred dams/dams with high LA scores: accordingly more
Bucklings (ADGA registered): $400
Wethers (non registered): $150

Once the kids are born, half the sale price (non refundable) holds the kid, the balance due upon pickup. All kids are pulled at birth and bottlefed; they can go home on the bottle as early as two weeks of age, or picked up after weaning.

I like my babies to go in pairs, so I offer a $50 discount for two. If you are interested in purchasing more than two, please ask about further discounts.